Audio Widgets

Marvelous widgets for your player 🔥
They are compatible with Stellio, Spotify, Poweramp and others

v2.2.0. apkSize: 19.12 MB

8.99 USD

Widget Packs

Not every player has nice and functional widgets. But now it is not a problem. Every widget pack was crafted by hands of our designers. Also we pick wallpapers for every widget pack, which are available to download and installation on your home screen.

Pick what you like:

Ametrine Pack

2.99 USD

Azurite Pack

2.99 USD

Topaz Pack

2.99 USD

Aquamarine Pack

2.99 USD

Sapphire Pack

2.99 USD

Agate Pack

2.99 USD

Amethyst pack

2.99 USD

Lazurite Pack


Moonstone pack


Blackstone pack


Buy All Inclusive

Get access to all widgets instantly, also this works for all future paid widget packs.

After purchase a letter will be sent to your email with the code, also will be shown instruction for activation.

If you have any questions or problems, write us — we will answer within 48 hours.


Here we collected the most popular questions and answers

Widget says "No data". When I click on a widgets, nothing happens
The player should translate metadata for correct work of widgets. Currently Stelio Player, Poweramp have the best integration.

If you use Stellio - update it to the last version, and ensure that you didn't turn off Translate song metadata preference. Also you should select Stellio in Widgets app.
How to change size of elements?
We don't have it for now. We are planning to add: Increase size of elements, Transparent background and more widgets.
How to use widgets with multiple players at the same time?
We don't have this ability for now
How to turn off the notification?
Unfortunately android requires notification to run background service.
Why I can't change time on progress bar?
Unfortunately android doesn't have this capabilities for widgets. If you find a widget that can do that - let us know



Social networks

Write us and we will answer within 48 hours

Empty basket
To pay
If you have clicked on the button and nothing happened, then the most probably
that you don't have installed Stellio Player.

Download and after the links will work:

v6.9.7. apkSize: 33.9 MB

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